Hello from the PTC Education Advanced Technologies Team. We hope everyone is having a wonderful summer!

Please reach out to us at EduTech@ptc.com with any questions, or if you would like to share opportunities for collaborations in this newsletter. If you did not receive this letter directly, please complete this form to be added to the mailing list. 
Check out our Github Pages site! You can find resources to help you get started with Digital Transformation technologies and highlight some of the exciting research and teaching happening around the world. Recordings from the DX in Education Summit last month along with PDFs of the student research posters can be found on this blog post
Key Collaborator Highlights
The Smart Manufacturing program at Brigham Young University has started a YouTube channel to share their research into how digital transformation technologies can be used to analyze and improve manufacturing processes.  Click here to check out their latest video
PTC Education has put together a library of snippets to help users get started with the Onshape and ThingWorx REST API’s using IPython Notebooks hosted in Google Colab. Check out this intro video showing how to get started with Onshape’s REST API and  click here to find the Github repo for getting started with the PTC API Playground.  
PTC Resources and Product Announcements 
Please reach out if you would like to share any announcements or recruit research partners through PTC’s academic collaborator network.